Faculty Member Profile

Marzia Nomi
Assistant Professor
Master of Science

Macroeconomics, Education Economics, Public Sector Economics

Published articles:
1. Sabbir, M. M., Taufique, K. M. R., & Nomi, M. (2021). Telemedicine acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic: User satisfaction and strategic healthcare marketing considerations. Health Marketing Quarterly, 38(2–3), 168–187. https://doi.org/10.1080/07359683.2021.1986988
2. Rahman, M. S., Sabbir, M. M., Kaium, M. A., Nomi, M., Zahan, I., & Islam, M. (2021). Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Zero Access to Technology Users in Bangladesh. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 13(1), 62–70. https://doi.org/10.9756/INT-JECSE/V13I1.211008
3. Nomi, M., & Sabbir, M. M. (2020). Investigating the Factors of Consumers' Purchase Intention towards Life Insurance in Bangladesh: An Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 25(2), 135–165. https://doi.org/10.21315/aamj2020.25.2.6
4. Sabbir, M. M., Rahman, M. S., Nomi, M., & Jahan, T. (2020). Understanding Internet Banking Use in Bangladesh: The Role of Internet Banking Apps, Customers' Perceptions and Green Concern. Turkish Journal of Marketing, 5(2), 100–120. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v5i2.89
5. Nomi, M., & Akhter, T. (2019). Relationship between External Finance and Economic Growth of Bangladesh. A Time-Series Analysis. Barishal University Journal, 3, 148-165.
6. Sabbir, M. M., Hossain, M. I., & Nomi, M. (2017). Analysis of Women's Preference of lmitation Jewelry: Bangladesh Perspective. Journal of Business, Society and Science, 5(December), 44-53.
7. Ahmed, M. T., Basu, S., Nomi, M., & Roy, A. (2016). Remittance and Household Welfare in Rural Bangladesh: A Micro-Econometric Analysis. Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research, 8(1), 1-9.
Research Grants Received:
Project Title: Determinants of Purchase Intention for Life Insurance: A study on Bangladeshi Consumer
Awarding Body: University of Barishal, Barishal-8200, Bangladesh.
Role: Principal Investigator.
Year: 2018

Roles in Different Administrative Activities:
  • House Tutor, Sheikh Hasina Hall, University of Barishal (23.08.2021-To Date)
  • Assistant House Tutor, Sheikh Hasina Hall, University of Barishal (05.09.2018-28.02.2021).
  • Rover Scout Leader, Barishal University Rover Scout Group, University of Barishal (28.11.2018-To Date).