Data science Machine learning Deep learning Image Processing Natural language processing Sentiment analysis Artificial neural networks Bayesian nonparametric statistics Time series models Big data High performance computing Banking and insurance Applications in healthcare
Research Preparation Completed graduate project under Dr. Munni Begum, Professor, Ball State University, USA Topic: Comparative analysis of random forest and artificial neural networks classifiers for the Wisconsin breast cancer dataset (
Participated in the CIMPA-INDIA Research School, IITB, Mumbai, India, July 6 - July 17, 2015 Topic: Summer School on Current Research in Finite Element Methods (
Completed M.S. thesis under Dr. Shafiqul Islam, Professor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Topic: Numerical Solutions of 1-D BVP by Different Methods: A Comparative Study
Publications Ahmed, J. (2017). Numerical Solutions of Third-Order Boundary Value Problems associated with Draining and Coating Flows. Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 57 (4), 651-665.
Ahmed, J. (2014). Numerical Solutions of Second-Order Boundary Value Problems using Cubic Spline Functions. Barisal University Journal, 1(1), 27-33.
Ahmed, J.; Jaman, M.H.; Saha, G.; Ghosh, P.(2020). Effect of Temperatures, Humidity and Population Density on the Spreading of Covid-19 at 70 Cities/Provinces (under review).
Journal Manuscripts under Preparation Jishan Ahmed, and Munni Begum. Comparative analysis of random forest and artificial neural networks classifiers for the Wisconsin breast cancer dataset
Conference Presentations Ahmed, J. (2014). Numerical Solutions of Third Order Boundary Value Problem using Homotopy Perturbation Method. Poster presentation in the First Commonwealth Science Conference, November 25-28, 2014, Bangalore, India
Ahmed, J. (2014). Numerical Solutions of Second-Order Boundary Value Problems using Homotopy Perturbation Method.
Poster presentation in TWAS Regional Conference of Young Scientists on "Recent Trends in Physical and Biological Sciences, March 7-8, 2014, Bangalore, India
Education Ph.D. in Data Science, Bowling Green State University, USA Expected 2024 M.A. in Mathematics, Ball State University, USA 2018 M.S. in Applied Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 2012 B.Sc. (Honors) in Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 2010
Workshops Attended Attended Pearson advanced MyMathLab training, Department of Mathematics, Ball State University, IN, USA, May 8, 2017 Attended Pearson MyMathLab training, Department of Mathematics, Ball State University, IN, USA, Nov 29, 2016 Attended Pearson MyMathLab training, Department of Mathematics, Ball State University, IN, USA, August 17, 2016 Attended Workshop on FreeFem++, Department of Mathematics, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal, February 15, 2012
Academic Awards Awarded Graduate Merit fellowship, 2016-2018. Ball State University, USA Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 2018. Mathematical Sciences, Ball State University, USA Best poster presentation award at The First Commonwealth Science Conference, 2014. Bangalore, India CIMPA travel grant, 2015. CIMPA, France CSC travel grant, 2014. The Royal Society, England TWAS travel grant, 2014. TWAS, Italy Awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, 2011. European Union Awarded Board Scholarship (undergraduate level, secondary level), 2002-2010. Ministry of Education, Bangladesh
Academic Achievements Stood 3rd in Master of Science (M.S.) examination (WES GPA: 3.81), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Stood 6th in Bachelor of Science (Hons.) examination (WES GPA: 4), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Professional Memberships AMS: American Mathematical Society ASA: American Statistical Association BMS: Bangladesh Mathematical Society