Dr. Bijan Krishna Saha |
Associate Professor | |
Mathematics | |
Ph.D. in Mechatronics Engineering | |
+8801935839536, +8801911234067 | |
bijandumath@gmail.com | |
My research interests include Aeronautics, Mechatronics Engineering, CFD for fluid power components and systems, electro-hydraulic servo-valve, fluid-structure interaction, vibration and noise suppression, jet flow, and Advanced Numerical Analysis. |
1. SAHA B.K., LI S., LV X. Analysis of pressure characteristics under laminar and turbulent flow states inside the pilot stage of a deflection flapper servo-valve: Mathematical modeling with CFD study and experimental validation. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2020), 33(3): 1107-1118. (Q1 Journal, SCI, I.F 2.21, 2020) 2. B. K. Saha, J. Peng, and S. Li. Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Cavitation Phenomena Inside the Pilot Stage of the Deflector Jet Servo-Valve," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 64238-64249, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2984481. (Q1 Journal, SCI, I.F 4 .098, 2020) 3. Xinbei Lv, Bijan Krishna Saha, You Wu, Songjing Li, Distributed parameters modeling for the dynamic stiffness of a spring tube in servo valves, August 2020 Structural Engineering & Mechanics 75:327-337 (Q1 Journal, SCI, I.F 3 .31, 2020) 4. Saha BK, Li L, and Li S. CFD investigations of flow field and cavitation phenomena in the pilot stage of the deflector jet servo-valve. 3rd International Conference on Advances in Materials, Machinery, Electronics (AMME 2019); Wuhan, China, AIP Conference Proceedings 2073, 020025 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5090679. (CPCI, 2019) 5. B. K. Saha, Y. Wu and S. Li, "Deflector Optimization in reducing cavitation intensity in the pilot stage of deflector jet servo-valve," 2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics (FPM), Wuhan, China, 2019, pp. 1500-1507, DOI: 10.1109/FPM45753.2019.9035892. (EI, 2019) 6. Saha BK, Li S. Numerical investigation of cavitation phenomena in the pilot stage of deflector jet servo-valve, In the Proceeding of IEEE Global Fluid Power Society Ph.D. Symposium (Guilin, China), 15-17 October 2020. (Accepted. EI, 2020) 7. Bijan Krishna Saha, A. M. Mohiuddin, and Sushanta Parua. He's Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Linear and Non-Linear Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 3, No. 6, 2017, pp. 174-181. DOI: 10.11648/j.ijtam.20170306.11 8. Bijan Krishna Saha, S. M Chapal Hossain, and Md. Shafiul Alam. Mathematical Formulations of Inverse Scattering and Korteweg-De Vries Equation, Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 13, 2013 9. Bijan Krishna Saha, Md. Kutub Uddin, and Md. Shafiul Alam. Mathematical Modeling of Bond Valuation. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Management Research (IJAFMR), Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 1-13 10. Md. Shafiul Alam, S. M. Chapal Hossain, and Bijan Krishna Saha. Topological Manifolds with Smooth Fibre Bundles, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applied Research (IJMCAR), Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 85-98 |
1. June 6, 2021, to present, Associate Editor, Barishal University Journal of Science and Engineering. 2. October 25, 2013, to Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Barishal, Barishal, Bangladesh. 3. September 13, 2011, to October 24, 2013: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Barishal, Barishal, Bangladesh. 4. February 1, 2010, to September 12, 2011: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 5. Lifetime member of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 6. Ex-President, Mathematics Students Association of Jagannath Hall, Dhaka University. |