Petroleum Geology, Sedimentology, Climate Change, Paleoclimate, Geo-hazards and Disaster Management.
[1] Salman, M.A., Nomaan, M.S.S., Sayed, S., Saha, A., Rafiq, M.R., "˜Land use classification and Change detection by using Multi-temporal Remotely Sensed imagery: Barishal, Bangladesh', Earth Sciences Malaysia, (ESMY) 5(1) 2021, 33-40. [2] Rahman, S.A., Islam, M.M., Salman, M.A., Rafiq, M.R., "˜Evaluating bank erosion and identifying possible anthropogenic causative factors of Kirtankhola River in Barishal, Bangladesh: an integrated GIS and Remote Sensing approaches' IJEG-2022; 7(2); 179-190. [3] Salman, M.A. and Ahmed, F., 'Climatology in Barishal, Bangladesh: A Historic Analysis of Temperature, Rainfall, Wind Speed and Relative Humidity Data', Malaysian Journal of Geosciences (MJG)4(1) (2020) 43-53. [4] Salman, M.A., Hasan, S.M.R., Ahmed, S., Tahsin, M., Khan, N., 'Shoreline Change Rate along the Southern Coast of Bangladesh due to Climate Change Using Remote Sensing & ArcGIS technology', IJETAE,Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2018. [5] Salman, M.A., Ahmed, S., Peas, M.H., Khan, N., 'Water quality assessment of the Buriganga River, Dhaka, Bangladesh', IJETAE, Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2018. [6] Salman, M.A., Rashid, M.M., Tahsin, M., 'Gas Sand Bodies Detection and Depiction of Depositional Environment using log data in Semutang Gas Field, Bangladesh', IJETAE, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2018. [7] Tahsin, M., Salman, M.A., Akhter, S.H., 'Earthquake Catalogue of Bangladesh', International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 7, No 3, 2018, 939 – 949. [8] Ahmed, S., Salman, M.A., Rahman, M.Z., Jahan, S., Mahmud, H., 'Anaerobic Digestion the best way to manage MSW of Bangladesh followed by producing Energy and Organic fertilizer as byproduct', IJETAE, Volume 9, Issue 2, February, 2019.
*** Thesis (unpublished): "Seismo-stratigraphic Study of the Potential Bangora Shallow Reservoir section from 3D Seismic data and Wireline log". (Advisor: Dr. Badrul Imam & Dr. Syed Humayun Akhter)
Educational Achievement:
Awarded a MS Scholarship Program by KrisEnergy Bangladesh Limited as a MS Scholar/Researcher in the fields of Climate Changes & Petroleum Geology from January, 2015 to June, 2016.
Ongoing Projects:
01. Correlation of onsite and redox sensitive parameters between shallow and deep aquifers in Barishal, Bangladesh funded by UGC, Bangladesh and University of Barishal (2021-2022). 02. A Study on Climate Change Impact on the Socio-economic & Livelihood conditions of the People in Tanguar Haor, Sunamganj, Bangladesh funded by UGC, Bangladesh (2021-2022). 03. Compartive study to assess the health risk of salinity and geogenic elements (Fe & As) between shallow and deep groundwater in Betagi upazilla, Barguna, Bangladesh funded by UGC, Bangladesh (2021-2022). 04. Assessment of Vulnerability & Capacity to the cyclone Amphan of the southwestern coastal part of Bangladesh: An empirical contextual investigation. 05. Assessing tropical cyclone destruction using Landsat Satellite Imagery: A case study Cyclone Amphan, Bangladesh 2020.
Completed Projects:
01. Integrating education with consumer behavior relevant to energy efficiency and climate change at the Univarsities of Russia, Srilanka and Bangladesh (BECK Project) funded by Erasmus Mundus and European Commission (2019-2022). 02. Uptake of Climate Change Adaptation Research Results in South Asia: "Evaluation of Adaptation trials in GBM Delta and its up scaling to Climate Financing (ADCF)" (DECCMA) funded by IDRC, Canada (2019-2021). 03. Shoreline Change rate along the Southern Coast of Bangladesh due to Climate Change using Landsat satellite images, funded by UGC, Bangladesh (2019-2020). 04. Exploring the present scenario of the tectonically active zone of Bangladesh and adjacent areas using Earthquake Catalogue, funded by UGC, Bangladesh and University of Barishal (2019-2020). 05. Vulnerability of the Saint Martin's Island to Ocean Acidification due to Climate Change, funded by UGC, Bangladesh and University of Barishal (2020-2021).